Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Case Of The Escaped Slave

Well dagnabit...

I started another item on the list, since it would take some time for me to complete the eliminating debt one. I was walking around Barnes & Noble in Mira Mesa the other day and I thought "Screw it, I might as well pick up something from the Barnes & Noble Classics rack." So I picked up "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe and started reading it and got really interested in it... got to the part where Eliza escapes across the frozen Ohio river...

...and I lost the book.

I try not to swear a lot, 'coz I'm learning to communicate without having to resort to profanity but the F-bombs fell like rain that day. I remember that I left it at Starbucks and figured that someone would put it in the back or in the Lost and Found or something and nobody did. Dang, dang dang... Flock, flock flock...

It's okay people. I'll get another copy but I was really getting into it.

By the way, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting as much. The show has really been taking up a lot of my time and this surprises me because I don't consider it such a huge box 'o talent anyways. But I want to continue because I feel that there are small improvements being made with each episode.

I'll keep you posted and I'll post more. Promise.


Robert said...

Dang. I'd have cussed too.

We read the book our sophomore year in HS. It was life changing then, I guess I should check it out and read it again.

BTW, I see you're from Poway--I was one of the first babies baptized/dedicated in a charter church in Poway--Hope United Methodist.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Fitts said...

Nice blog! Very provocative!

Vanessa Rogers said...

I hate it when I loose books in the middle. I once left a book in an airport and only had like 20 pages left. I was sooo mad!