Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday! A very happy day indeed. Today marked the 44th anniversary of my birth or the 16th anniversary of my 27th birthday (ha!)

The only regret I have is that I waited so long to decide to do the things I want to do before I die.

By the way, there will be some great changes here. You'll be able to help make this site a great one. Look for a new newsletter sign up form and video documentation of the things I want to do. Stay tuned!

Don't you wanna donate to the cause?


Fitts said...

Happy Birthday my brother, I celebrated 33 years yesterday!


tata said...

Blessed Solar Return to you. Visiting via BE and wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your blog title! I carry around a list of Things To Do Before I Die. So far, I've crossed off two things :)

techniqueal t. said...

happy 16th anniversary of your 27th birthday! ^_^

"The only regret I have is that I waited so long to decide to do the things I want to do before I die."

now that makes me think of creating and completing a list of my own.. fast!

hope you had a great beeday! ^_^