Saturday, October 18, 2008



This is the part where I get bored with blogging. Bored isn't exactly the right term - indecisive would be a better one. Now is the time where I get frustrated because I'm not getting the right amount of traffic or nobody is clicking the donate button or nobody is clicking on my affiliate links.

Now is also the time to keep going. So...

Now I kick it up a notch. Now is the time where I tell you that there is a donate button and I ask you to donate. It is the time for me to be a little more fearless and allow myself to be ridiculed and turned out and refused and I'll still tell you that I need money and I'd like you to give me some.

It's also the time for me to ask you to take a look at my affiliate sites like Simpleology and Conversational Hypnosis. And to ask you to buy them or at least take the free trials.

Also I must give you details of what I'm doing to cross items off my list. And to write articles and ask you to read them. And to research what else I can do to get people to read the blog and what I can do to monetize it.


That's what I'm doing. Expect more from me. I'll stick with it.

1 comment:

Chunks of Reality said...

I don't have money to donate because I need some donations myself...but I did click on several of your adsense sites. Hope it helps. :)